A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

The Nuthatch

This twitchy, creeping little critter, with his go faster racing stripe down either side of his body, was raiding the bird feeder coconuts shells for seeds for his lunch. As I was preparing my Weetabix with spoonfulls of sugar to get my energy levels a boost, I noticed him flying & fleeting back & forth. He's easily one of my favourite birds in the garden; I rarely see him & when he does show up he doesn't hang around for long, so I had to Blip him. With my cold improving slowly, it also gave me something to do.

I was meant to be back at Fawlty Towers this evening, but with my cold developing a slight throaty cough, we decided it was best I stayed in & watched more TV on the sofa. Suits me! Jenny & I watched the 3 Bletchley Circle episodes, recently shown on ITV, back to back. It was brilliant & very compelling viewing. However, I would clearly have much rather been coughing, spluttering & sneezing over customers & colleagues at work, as you can probably tell.

I'm hoping tomorrow I'm feeling a little more like the Nuthatch looks, spritely & full of life. Maybe then everything will go back to normal & I'll be burying my beak in half a coconut shell whilst hanging upside down again. Bliss.

Until then, we're gonna continue watching House M.D. & drinking honey, lemon & ginger.

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