
By Paladian

Quince blossom

Such a disturbed night last night - intermittent thunderstorms, and heavy rain. Doesn't bode well for the AFL football final tomorrow.

It's always nice to see the rain particularly after a couple of days of warm weather. Today is very windy, and it seems to have put paid to all the bees and hover flies, which was a bit of a blow. (Blow, wind - get it). I kind of thought it might be a hover fly day today, but no chance.

I am very fond of quince flowers, they are so delicate, and pink tinged, and very beautiful. So I took quite a few images before I settled on this one.

I also walked into a spider web and disturbed the occupant who got very cross . I brushed him to the floor, and he reared up his front legs at me. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view ) he landed on a brick paving, which was a very similar colour to him, so all the images I took really weren't very good. In any case two spiders in two days might have been a bit much for some people.

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