
By Paladian

"Just" a Fly

Really didn't have a blip direction today, it's bloody cold, and we had hail storms last night. No, this is not a normal South Australian Spring.

Anyway, the sun shone a little bit, so I hung out round the Diosma in hope of seeing something, anything. A couple of bees and not much else. But there were also a few flies.

It is said that there are almost 7500 described flies in 100 families in this country. It seems it's only the tip of the iceberg, in that there may be as many as 30,000 species all up - just in Australia. So, in essence, fat chance of identifying this particular fly.

But isn't he handsome! His body is almost bee-like, a bit furry with gold and black blotches. He was quite happy sipping the nectar from the flowers.

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