A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

The Mystery of the Steaming Bird Table

The Bird is very much the Word. Well I'm sure it will be, especially for me, my camera (or Mick's) & Blip, as we venture further into Autumn & finally break into the deep recesses of Winter.

The steaming early morning bird table is also very much the word & a common autumnal sight.

The Black Chicken Things will move onto lakes of their own, Pelonius the Heron will roost in a tall tree somewhere, the wonky, kinked fish & his pals will all submerge & lye dormant & still. The Great Tits, Blue Tits, Robins, Nuthatch, Wrens & with any luck, the elusive Kingfisher, will all then get their time to shine, & I hope Blip will be able to show them off.

This was an early morning shot. I saw the steam & with a chuckle I knew this would be beautifully odd to Blip. As I brought the camera into life with a *click*, the Great Tits, Blue Tits, Robin, Nuthatch & Moorhens all sprang into life, flying & darting in & out of the shot. Their timing on this occasion could not have been better. If I could get all the gang in one shot, now that would be Blip-worthy! As it happens, I most liked this pic of a Blue Tit caught in mid air as it begins its fall to the feeder. Jenny said it looked like a fish & I must say it does, leaping out the water for a half a coconut of seeds!.. like they normally do.

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