'For the Rain, it Raineth Every Day'

With hey, ho, the wind and the rain....

Fickle weather indeed.
In the time it took to dry my hair this morning, the weather took a turn for the worse, and my intended stroll round the meadows in fair weather became a dash into driving rain to capture these umbrellas.
If you feel that umbrellas feature large in my journal, you could well be right given the conditions under which I labour

On the plus side, my gym sessions allowed me to run up swiftly and with no heavy breathing behind these golf monstrosities belonging to my American neighbours who were completely unaware of me and that they provided the only bit of colour in a bleak landscape,

Needless to say once home and dried out, the sun teasingly appeared to alter the landscape again. Not the complete washout then, predicted by the forecasters.

We are expecting a London cycling friend this afternoon en route in his Land's End to John o'Groats odyssey.
He is cycling from Selkirk today and spending two nights with us. We will be interested to see if he and his tent avoided the flooding on his way north.

We have organised two days of culinary over load with him, starting with the Mooncake Festival meal at the local Malaysian restaurant tonight.

Let it rain, we won't notice

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