This is Valentino. I did a bit of a bit of mucking around on Picasa to get this effect. Just downloaded Picasa today so have been trying out some new effects.

A phone call from my daughter Becky woke me up this morning around 20 past 9. She was at the Start of the Ealing Half Marathon - my son in law Mike was running it. It was his first half marathon. Becky wished she was running it too but her knees are still troubling her after running The Brighton Marathon and she is seeing a physio. She is working her way back up to running longer distances but at the moment she has only reached 3 miles in training. Mike completed the run in 1 hour 42 mins. Well done Mike.

Weather today has been dull and rainy so I have had a quiet day indoors. Cats have been quite well behaved today but it is only 7pm ish - still time for ructions before bedtime.

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