Staff social cocktails

There was a University-wide staff social event on campus this evening. I was able to call in for a short while prior to setting off with the Winsfords and Mr hazelh for a weekend in Pitlochry (via the new bridge). I blip one of the cocktails on offer at the event.

The weekend proper began with Champagne an hour and a half later in Pitlochry. Then followed dinner and Catan (which I won through cornering the wheat market).

Earlier in the day I engaged in the usual mix of meetings, PhD supervisions, and teaching prep. I also spent some time assessing applications in preparation for a meeting next week.

The best news of the day, however, is that we have completed all our manuscripts in time for the deadline - hurrah! Yesterday Knottman2 asked about the themes of all this work. Here they are, in order of paper submission:

1. Information channels for citizen democratic engagement
2. Networking and social media use amongst young jobseekers
3. UK public library roles and value
4. Social Cognitive Theory and Information Science research
5. The social impact of youth digital participation
6. Tacit knowledge sharing online
7. The management of professional and private information on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Exercise today: walk to work, walk from campus to campus (15,033).

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