Short and Stout

Been gifted this tea set by a colleague today ( minus the biscuit, not even my friends would give away half eaten confectionery products ). Have been singing " I'm a little tea pot " all day - luckily only in my head rather than to patients.

Chuffed to bits with the present.

Chuffed to bits even more about the phone call I had from British Cycling. Yes this is real not one of my imaginary tales. You know the Victoria Pendleton competition, well I didn't win ( hardly surprising, they wouldn't have wanted me to show her up with my prowess) but they read my story and contacted me as they are wanting to run a story on Olympic legacy. They want me to interview for a well known paper about what made me get back on my bike after 25 years. How exciting.

I say well known paper, I mean the Daily Express. The. Sodding. Daily. Express.

I say exciting, I mean FFS they want a photo of me in my cycling gear. Knew there was a reason the words " short and stout " have been going round my head all day.

Watch this space!! If it amounts to anything then I will be singing
this as I pose for the camera. Me in lycra. National press. My day has come!!!


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