The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Moon over Bourbon Street

I woke this morning at 7.38 am. I don't know if it was Bomble the cat waking me, or my body clock. I had had a rough night, staying up till nearly 2, reading about a possible poetry group on Blipfoto (yay!) and then waking repeatedly with the tickly cough I've got.

So I sprung out of bed and started taking photos. Luckily my niece Immy appeared, so I could use my study window (she had been sleeping there in there). Lo and behold! A double rainbow appeared over the neighbour's house, and then Immy pointed out the moon, and suddenly there were three of us ( including my sister, TMLHereandThere) crouched on the windowsill like cats, oohing and aahing over the rainbow.

The rest of the day went well too, and we had an extraordinary but delicious lunch of veggie cottage pie with puy pentils, spinach and beetroot with carrot ribbons at the macrobiotic Star Anise cafe! However, I had to do two different jobs, morning and evening, which was a shame, as I would rather have had the whole day free with them. It is the same tomorrow, but we plan to go on a journey by bus, and to the local theatre.

I am am sorry about the lack of commenting of late, but I really need to spend this time with my family, seeing as they live at the opposite end of the Globe.

The title of my blip comes from a Tom Waits song, Moon over Bourbon Street. At least I thought it was sung By Tom Waits, but uncle Google tells me it was Sting. It is a century long time since I lived in Veria, Northern Greece, where I used to go out and drink Bailey's on ice, and where I first heard this song. More than my half my lifetime ago. Do I still drink Bailey's on ice till I fall over ? No way!

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