Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Home at last!

You may remember that I went to a dyeing day back in August.

This is a little 'braided' doll made by my friend who belongs to the local Weavers, Spinners and Dyers group. Braiding is one of her main hobbies at the moment, and a little bit has rubbed off on me. I took some 'practice' pieces with me to do on the train today!

My day started at 2.15am when for some inexplicable reason I woke up and had great difficulty going back to sleep. I have now realised I should have got up and made some camomile tea to relax me as I was a bit wound up about today!

Anyway, somehow I ended up going back to sleep just before the alarm rang at 4.30am. I managed to haul myself out of bed at 4.50, got up washed and dressed and ate a ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast (deliberately as I knew it would be sometime before I got lunch!!! I also took some chocolate in my bag for a 'pick me up'.

When I got to the station in time for the train at 6.30am (left home at 5.50am!), to my horror the train was running late, leaving a mere 2 minutes to change plaforms at Reading station (its awful there with all the railworks going on).... Luckily the train to Swindon was only just on the next platform, as I can't run for trains anymore.... Eventually I got to the station where I needed to go, and luckily bumped into someone looking for a taxi (as I was) to the same place, which we shared!

The course was very good, but the room was hot and I struggled to stay awake in the afternoon...

Coming back, I shared a cab with the same course colleague and we sat on the station together. Thankfully I only needed to get two trains home, but due to major technical problems with the train sitting in the station 4 trains before mine, it was 45 minutes late in the end. I feel sorry for others that were waiting at Reading as apparently there had been a fatality on the line at Bristol.... so sad...

Very glad to be home and sitting here in my pjs watching 'Wartime Farm' and looking a your blips!

Billy was pleased to see me as he'd been out since 5.50am, and hadn't finished his breakfast when he went out. He refused to come in when I got my coat out and put it on (he seems frightened of it and I don't know why, poor puss)..... He's had some supper and gone out again now, but I'll get him in when its bedtime!

I've realised that tomorrow I won't get much of a lie in as I've got an appointment for my eyes to be tested at 9am (normally wouldn't matter, but I'm so tired, it would be great to have a lie in!!!

Hope you had a great day blippers, I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow...looking for a relaxing day after the eye test!

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