Rush for the RARHOF!

Rush, my favourite band (and also from my hometown of Toronto) was today nominated to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the first time. Most fans think this is around 20 years overdue, others think they've been jilted so long they feel the band should tell the HOF to "take off, eh." Arguments aside, the nomination is there, finally and fans - for the first time, I think - get a fan ballot to shortlist their favourites for induction. You can read about it and vote for Rush and four other fine acts here.

Rush is unique in the Rock world. They do their own thing. This trio has been together around 40 years. They are regular guys. They are goofy and masters of self-deprecation. They are among the most respected musicians in their peer group. Only The Beatles and The Rolling Stones have more sold more consecutive gold or platinum records. Rush has 24. Rush is not afraid to try new things where others fear to tread. They use a lot of symbolism in their lyrics and album artwork. The Starman shown above is pretty much an alternate band logo and I wear it on my camera vest. They are currenly into Steampunk as a design theme. The band have recently included alchemy symbols in recent albums. The new Clockwork Angels concept album is a masterpiece and is the basis for a science-fiction novel of the same name that follows the plot of the album. Cool, eh!


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