
By TonyG

Through the Round Window

Perry ..... the fireman, seen here leaning out.

Variations on the theme of Playschool this week - now complete :-)

A grand day guarding, much of it accompanied by a small film crew shooting footage for what they hope will be the pilot show for a TV series.  'Meals on Wheels' celebrates local cuisine while also focusing on a heritage railway, in this case, the Talyllyn.  I was interviewed en-route, talking about what makes this railway special ...... so not difficult and no shortage of material :-)  

Perry, featured above, like me is a volunteer of longstanding.  We've only bumped into each other a couple of times in the last thirty years but the easy familiarity among the the railway community soon had us reminiscing.  

My last guarding turn of the year.  In the distant past I was a regular  volunteer here but I took a long break about twenty years back, returning when Ruth was 14.  After a hesitant start I am beginning to feel like the proficient guard that I once was in the years BC - Before Children!

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