Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

When the red, red robin..

...goes bob, bob, bobbin' along.  (I don't remember the rest of the verse, so that's all you get. )

I have to confess that I didn't put a lot of effort into today's blip.  I had a little bit of a rough night last night so slept late this morning.  We're having family over this afternoon, and I needed to help Hubs clean, plus run out and vote.  And that left very little time for holding a camera.  So, out onto the deck for 10 minutes.  Got lucky when a couple of American Robins ventured near enough to photograph.  I love robins.  Most people in the US associate them with spring, but I really think of them more as a fall bird because this is the time of year when large flocks of them move around searching for berries. They keep up a soft chatter in the woods, more frequently heard than seen as they forage for tasty fruit.  Always deserving of a blip, in my opinion.

American robins are in the thrush family, not closely related at all to the smaller European robins who are in the Old World flycatcher family.  Our robins were named after the European robins because of their reddish-orange breast.  And, like their cousins from across the pond, they are excellent songsters.

Thanks for the the love yesterday.  I ended up having a very long nap then Hubs and I took SIL out for her birthday.  My stomach wasn't happy yesterday so I ended up just eating a small bit of pasta and sipping on some club soda.  Stomach still isn't quite right today, but definitely better.  Which is a good thing since Hubs is making eggplant parm for the family gathering later.  

Over and out...


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