
By LaBuenaVida


As oppose to our youngest son who was basically born 'swiping' (I hate to admit it but it's true), our 9 year old is still somewhat preserved from the whole digital-cyber-xbox-playstation-wii generation. We have no television in our home, and although I see the importance of him being computer literate, he also has no computer of his own. Don't get me wrong, he gets his fair share of all of the above with friends, at Granny and Grandpa's, on our computers... but mainly on our iPads.
Since we have been on the road, he reads, writes, plays, sings, draws, designs, studies, communicates and entertains himself on our iPads.
Its been a great tool in helping consolidate and organize home schooling, entertainment and keeping in touch while being on the road for such along period of time.
The old fashioned Mum in me has to admit that the iPad has become my iPal : )...

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