
By LaBuenaVida

Happy New Year

What's so nice about starting a new calender year is that you have the 'feeling' you are at the beginning of something new... a kind of fresh start I guess.
New prospects, plans and projects... everything seems possible from this point.
Resolutions, changes... out with the old, in with the new!

As for myself - this year my goal is to keep it simple...
Enjoy the immensity of all the fabulous people, opportunities, knowledge and potential the year has to offer... take it all in; the ups and the downs.
Savor and enjoy it.

This morning X and I hit the kiddie slopes for another day of learning how to ski!
I remember the hours I spent with R teaching him how to walk, stand, shuffle around, stop! 8 years later he and his friends are great skiers and I have no chance to keep up!
I know how fast it goes by now, and I enjoy these privileged moments I have with X while he is still young (& slow) enough to want to spend his day on the slopes with his Mum!

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