Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Queen Zara

It is a real challenge to get drops - when I say drops I really mean ointment - into Zaras eye.

Queue comedy music

Step one:
Turn on ALL the lights

Step two:
Chase her round and round the coffee table until she jumps up onto the sofa and gets cornered

Alternative - herd her into the studio and attempt to corner

Step three:
Turn on lamps and anything else to add additional light

Step four:
Attempt to find eye as she has now decided to screw them closed.

Step Five through to six:
Repeat step four

Step seven:
Argh why is she sooooo black, I think I got some in.

Step eight:
Give Zara a little rub on the nose and a kiss

Step Nine:
Give Zara a good girl treat

Now you might be asking why do we not simply pick her up?
She is a Giant rabbit and they dont really like being picked up, we also adopted her so she had not been regularly handled when little and we are trying to minimise stress on her.

Its looking better so finger crossed we will avoid the operation.

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