Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A Picture is Worth . . .

If a picture says a thousand words, then nine photos say a whole lot more. What a day!

America grew-up today. It was our rite-of-passage moment. We are now truly walking our talk. American the land of the free--today was the ceremony and celebration, the parade and the party. It wasn't just "Obama Day," it was everyone's day with Obama and Michelle taking the lead. Good for them. God bless them.

Two families were deeply affected by this day; therefore, this blip photo-poster acknowledges that a chapter has closed in the life of the Bush family. I cannot begin to imagine how their lives have been altered in the past eight years. Those twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna, have at moments buckled beneath the intense pressure. I hope that they can all move forward now to some of the most productive years of their lives.

I think about the tremendous productivity of President Jimmy Carter since leaving the White House--building houses for needy people through Habitat for Humanity. I hope for a similar productive for the Bushes. Seems like no one thinks he did a good job. I'm glad I wasn't in his shoes or we'd really be in a mess. I guess history will tell us more about him than this up-close moment he just finished. I hope history gives him some accolades. It would be awful to have the whole eight years a dark spot in history. So tonight they're back in Texas to sort through it all.

Today when the oath was uttered and the speech was spoken, the ceremony gave way to the celebration--parading and partying with the President. America will never be the same. Today we changed. Even though 59 million people did not vote for Obama, today I think many decided it's time to acknowledge his leadership.

I rarely watch TV during the day. Not so this mornin--I woke to immediately take a look at what was happening in Washington DC. The next four-plus hours, well make that six, I could hardly move, except to push the button on my cheapie camera and hope that something I clicked would be clear. I've loved this day; however, getting dressed, putting my make-up on, and styling my hair in front of the TV was crazy.

Several times throughout the day I thought, "Gee, I really should have majored in history. I just love this stuff." Then I realized that what I should have majored in is "ceremony and celebration." Do they offer that in college? It's my British heritage, surely it is, that causes me to love ceremony.

This nation now is living up to its motto, "Of the people. By the people. For the people." Today I've watched a nation mature.

While President Obama and Michelle dance the night away, I'll just say,
Good night from Southern California and God bless the United States of America.

Rosie, aka

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