Sigyn (Day 1002)

Today has been one of those spectacularly beautiful days which we get occasionally through the winter. We had a bit of a late start this morning and wandered up the hill in bright sunshine, crunching over frosty ground. Back at home I set about cleaning out the back of the car so that we could fit a new liner for the boot. Having two big dogs who tend to get a bit wet and mucky on their walks means that the back of the car really suffers. I stumbled across an advert for a custom made liner for the boot of our car, and was impressed though at over 100 quid, I was a little hesitant. I had a look through the clearance section of the website and found what we needed for 60 quid. Result. The liner fits really well, is made of really heavy duty waterproof stuff and should keep the car dry and clean. It might even stop smelling likes something is rotting in it.
Liner fitted, there was time for a quick lunch before my  beautiful wife and I headed to Lyde for a walk with the woofers. It was lovely in the sunshine, and we both took a heap of pics of the dogs playing around in the heather, chasing each other and looking for small creatures to kill. They were more successful at chasing at each other. 
I quite liked this shot of Sigyn, my little girl. She can be an absolute moose at times, but occasionally she makes up for it by being quite sweet. An extra (slightly blurry) shot of her at maximum speed, because why not...
Back at home as HV got herself organised to get out to work, I got myself organised to go out on the bicycle. I had a fairly good ride out, about 7 miles, although slower than I was the last time. It is a long time since I have been on the bike and will likely suffer tomorrow, but it was good to get out. 

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