Five things

By fivethings


1. Public speaking. Why oh why oh why do you do it? Remember this feeling before you say yes again, Marianne. Wooft. Good news is my skirt looks ace. Oh and I've just woken up in Madrid.

2. Breakfast and meeting all the other speakers - the lovely Hugh and Emma. A short walk (no coat needed) and we are in the museum where the conference is happening.

3. Skirt and shoes have the desired affect. And then - before I know it - its all happening. Wah. Did I mention it's streaming live online?

4. This is me in action. It ends. It goes as planned. Better, maybe. Remember this feeling next time you are asked and say yes.

5. Annnnddddd breathe. Hola Madrid...tapas in cava baja? Don't mind if I do.

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