an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


the water is cold; the water is clear, incredibly clear. the sun is a little hotter than i normally like but the water is cold.

i take off my shoes to wade across the rocks: the kind of thing notoriously clumsy people shouldn't do alone, the kind of thing i am doing alone virtually all of the time. and i drop one, and my first thought is, i'm going to have to hike out of here with one shoe, how hilarious. because if you can't laugh at it, what's the point.

but then it gets caught on a branch, thankfully, and i wade out to mid-thigh, my shorts getting all soaking wet but the water is cold, the water is clear: i am happy.

i don't understand why we don't allow ourselves this more often, why so many people want to be inside when they could be out instead.

the world is a beautiful place - go.

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