
A catching up day today after all the gadding about yesterday. The Ladies' Book Club is this Wednesday and it's chez moi so a spot of cleaning was necessary - amazing just how many spiders there are in residence and I feel guilty swiping at them so I tend to swipe around them. A quick trip into Bantry to buy cake (yes, I should bake one but the Stuffed Olive does very delicious cakes that look and taste homemade, I could get away with it) and white card ( for making moving skeletons, I have a feeling I'm going to regret this idea).

I intended to blip what surely must be the loneliest letter box in Ireland but was distracted by this tiny hairy beast - who was tethered, rather strangely, right next to it. He was distinctly unimpressed by my efforts to win him over. He did have ears but he wasn't going to show them. And just look at his teeny hooves. You'll have to wait for the letter box - the anticipation!

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