Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

I'm sorry - WHAT did you say?

I finally caught up with one of the members of Team Tufted Titmouse, fresh off a successful AOG appearance.  They are, as always, ecstatic about...well, everything.  They are already in training for the Summer AOG's in 2020 (Winter AOG for those of you below the equator) but wouldn't divulge any of their top secret training strategies just yet.

In the course of our conversation (what, you've never talked to a bird?), I happened to mention the forecast for Tues/Weds which is what precipitated the response above.  They were not at all happy to hear that another storm system is headed our way with predictions of 8 or more inches of wet, heavy snow.  We had a lengthy discussion about the plans for ensuring that their team continues to get food and beverages during the storm and I've assured them that all hands are ready and the pantry is full.  

As for the humans...well, we plan to fill a bathtub with water so that we'll have plenty of water for flushing toilets in case we lose power again.  Also, plenty of ice to keep perishables chilled and enough food and adult-friendly beverages on hand to weather the storm.  

The miniature iris in the garden, undaunted by Mother Nature, continue to bloom.  

Don't forget to tag your TinyTuesday entries with #TT145 tomorrow (or today down below.)


Footnote:  As of last night, 30,000 households in the 2-county area I live in were still without power.  The utility companies have called in linemen and workers from a number of surrounding states to help get power restored and debris from downed trees cleared.  Many roads still closed so all area schools are closed as well as some business.  

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