
By Kiwidino

Damaged II

I didn't have to go far for today's Blip. Another weekly challenge shot, this is my house! Many, many houses in Christchurch lost chimneys in the earthquake. I'm embarrassed to say I lost one I didn't know I had! We had an internal fireplace which years before we bought the house someone had installed a wood burner into. If asked, I would have said that above the roof line only the metal flue from the new burner existed. On the day of the quake I did two laps of the house looking for damage and on the second lap I noticed a single brick on the ground. "Where the heck did that come from?" I asked myself. Looking up, the roof was covered in bricks. It turned out the flue had been up the inside of the old chimney which had now collapsed. We had to remove the entire chimney breast for safety reasons. Fortunately it wasn't load-bearing.

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