When is a green not a green?

... when it is a white!

It was really, really cold today with no sunshine to warm you up. So everything came out, fleece, gloves and hat and then I needed to keep walking to keep remotely warmish. However the walk was excellent and I was able to see an area of thick fir woodland which is in the process of being harvested. Up until now I have been able to hear the machines working away but yesterday they broke through the outer fringe of the wood and revealed a huge gash going up a steep hill. The area is cordoned off for safety so I look forward to getting a closer look once they have finished. I sincerely hope they will replant a mixed woodland here in the fullness of time.

Bruce was perplexed that his usual watering hole was glazed with ice but soon gave up and joined Cara in running around. That shot would probably have been my blip but then I saw the golf course on my way back to the car and chuckled at the white green. You can see the same hills in the background as were in my blip yesterday.

I have worked hard in the garden this afternoon distributing more compost around the borders and veg patch and potting up some tulips . A robin was chirruping the whole time I was outside obviously eyeing up the worms he could gather once I was away.

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