Journey Through Time

By Sue

Ghosts in the Tree

Bill and I went for a neighborhood walk and the kids up the street decorate their tree for Halloween. In keeping with Halloween week themes, I thought I'd just put this up. This tree they have has lovely white blossoms in the spring and much to my surprise anyway, it has the sweetest fragrance. It's a delight to walk by this tree when it is in full bloom. I think it's a cherry tree. But I won't swear to that in a court of law. This image came in second place. I like it, but decided it was too dark and moody for today. Needed something more fun.

It is surprisingly warm today with a touch of tropical humidity. We had the front door open for a while. I wore a sweater on our walk, but ended up pulling that off and tying it around my waist. All I needed was my lightweight Tee. (Yes, I did have something on underneath the sweater - sheesh) And, with all due respect to our Eastern friends who are getting hammered today by Sandy, it really poured rain last night.

And that's about it from the Pacific Northwest. Hope you are all okay, most especially our Blip Buddies enduring a storm by which all others will now be measured.

AND, did you know that Vivian Brown on The Weather Channel is in her 50's! She's been on there since 1987 or so. She has a grandchild in the 3rd grade. My goodness, that woman never ages. Talk about inheriting good genes.

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