Journey Through Time

By Sue

Big Leafed Maple Leaf

I guess this is what this is. I don't seem to have the gene for easily identifying trees. My dad had that same problem when we lived in Hawaii for awhile. He was fascinated that there were eucalyptus trees and if it wasn't an obvious palm tree, then he would suppose it was a eucalyptus. I think he just liked to say eucalyptus. Even though my dad has been gone since 1972, I still joke about that. "What's that tree?" "Oh, probably a eucalyptus." Most people don't know what my little inside joke is, but that's okay. My dad is laughing somewhere.

A lazy blip today. If you look at the national weather map, you will see a lot of stuff still swirling around in the eastern and mid west part of America. You will also see a nice big glob of green in the far north west corner of the US. That would be us. Should have some sun later in the week, so something to look forward to.

Speaking of that, for some odd reason, it irritates me that the weather seems to stop at our border. It doesn't. That storm caused problems in Canada also and 3 Canadian deaths resulted from that storm. I wish they would just continue the coverage to include all of North America, or Mexico or where ever the weather is continuing. Would it kill them to add a few more sentences?

One more thing and I will be done. I have re-thought my position on the name for the hurricane/superstorm. After seeing the displacement of the beaches, the huge erosion problems, the complete demolition of huge sand dunes that were either washed out to see or spread out over the beach communities of New Jersey and Rhode Island and who knows what other states....perhaps Sandy was the correct name for this monster. These folks are going to be finding and dealing with sand for ages.

Homemade barbecue sauce has simmered on the stove and the whole place smells really good. Boneless chunks of pork, slathered with onions and a few carrots, are slow cooking in the oven. It's that kind of day, although the temperature is quite mild.

Hope something is smelling yummy in your corner of the world. See ya tomorrow.

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