Humour, warmth and silliness - Orange Cockscomb

Apparently the Victorians thought Celosia Cristata flowers symbolised humour, warmth and silliness. It's the Dutch King's birthday today and King's Day is a national holiday, a day filled with free flea markets, plenty of community activities involving much warmth and silliness and lots and lots of orange everywhere. The cheer for a festive day like today is : Oranje Boven (Orange on top). So this orange cockscomb from my bi-weekly bouquet seemed appropriate as a Blip for today and for Flower Friday.With thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting, even when she is on a far away BlipMeet.

Thanks very much for your kind comments, stars and even a fave for yesterday's red fan lines, and for all the AT entries. I'll have the results tomorrow hopefully :-)

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