The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The spaceship has landed

Gloucester is getting a new bus station. About time...

The bad news is that I spent a lot of time at doctor's surgeries and hospitals today.

The good news is that I don't have a detached retina. I.must have shoogled my posterior vitreous humour last night when I was climbing, and that set off an alarming series of strobe effects in my eye. It's ok now, apart from floaters the size of bats. I don't have to stop climbing.

The good news is that I had what I thought was a work trial the other day, and an offer of an interview today.

The bad news is that the first turned out to be a volunteering opportunity, and the second a two-hour a week teaching post with no resources, plenty of paperwork, and evenings only, in Cheltenham or Gloucester.

However, I did have a free Wednesday, if you can call walking around Gloucester, blind because of the eye drops and enlarged pupils, free. It could have been an emergency, but it wasn't.

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