Best Halloween eyes!

Such a lot has been happening today.

When Ann came downstairs this morning I'd had another massive little accident. I've still got diarrhoea. I'm sure no one in 'Blipland' really wants to hear about my toileting issues but suffice to say that after my morning walk Ann decided that five days of diarrhoea was enough and she phoned the vet.

I was a very good girl at the vets. He listened to my heart with his stethoscope and stuck a thermometer up my bum! I didn't like that very much. I was a bit wriggly but Ann was at my 'head end' and kept whispering to me that I was doing really well. Then he gave me some 'prescription dog food & antibiotics' and charged Ann £53 for the privilege?!

Funnily enough on my afternoon walk my poos weren't nearly as runny as they'd been in the morning?!! Oh well, at least the prescription dog food is very scrummy, yummy!

This evening Ann's friend, Bridget (& her 'littlies') went out 'trick or treating' and then they came to us for tea. They wanted fish fingers & oven chips. Not sure if 'Jamie Oliver' would approve but ho hum who cares. Fish fingers, oven chips (peas & sweet corn so that the humans got one of their 'five a day') and a bottle of wine for Ann & Bridget went down very nicely!

They brought their little pug, Nell, with them. I've not met Nell before so I snarled at her when she first came into the house just so that she knew I was 'top dog' .................................and then I just ignored her .............................because I don't really take much notice of little dogs.

When Nell arrived she was dressed up in a spider costume.

...........................But as you can see from this Blip, I've definitely got the best 'Halloween eyes!'

Happy Halloween Blippers. xx

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