Sturdy Enough

We intended to go to a reconstructed Iron Age village to celebrate Halloween. The staff there was to burn a wicker man and do some sort of thing for kids. But the wind blew and the rain came pelting down, so we stayed put.

I got back to my task of rebuilding the scullery at Chez Ceridwen. The wall is now re-plastered and painted, and I'm halfway through creating the counter and shelving, entirely out of recovered materials from the outbuildings. It's without any electric-powered saw as well.

Tomorrow, the book shelves go on the wall. The object is to make the structure strong enough to hold substantial weight forever, and so we recruited Casey, the mightiest dog in Wales, to bear down upon the counter top with his entire mass. If it can hold such a powerful beast, it can hold anything, right?

This has been a Halloween when customs were observed far away from this quiet house where fire logs burn, cats purr themselves to sleep, and one brave dog puts old barn timbers to the test.

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