Mr John

By MrJohn

Fuzzy ......

..... head face.

I've had a headache today and spent most of this afternoon trying to sleep it off. I woke up when a firework display started going off just after 7pm and replied to the 5 phone calls and three texts that I had missed whilst asleep ( I always leave my phone switched to silent, so unless it's vibrating in my pocket I don't notice it ).

Anyhow, blipless today I decided to resort to photographing my face fuzz. I'm not sure if I'm growing a tache for Movember or just being a bit lazy and not shaving, but I supose the result is the same. It's not as impressive as SarahSmith's effort, but then I've never been very good at growing hair :) .

Thank you to everyone for your comments stars and faves on my last couple of blips, helping to send them both to the spotlight page.

As I've not left the house today and I'd like your opinion on wether I should continue with the face fuzz or shave it off, today's blip is my.....

..... Fuzzy head face.

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