Mr John

By MrJohn

Dominic .....

and the grocer.

I've had a day off today, so after getting a few household chores out of the way in the morning, I had a trip in to Leeds at lunchtime to get a birthday present for Alison who is celebrating a big one this year she's 27 for the 14th year in a row ;-). My first stop was the fish and chip shop for a 300 calorie meal which I shared with the starlings opposite the chippy. Once I had eaten I had a look in one of the Victorian arcades full of nice shops and soon found the ideal pressie for Alison ( yes, it was man shopping and I picked up and bought the first thing I saw, but I'm sure Ali will like it ).

Having got the shopping out of the way I spent the next hour or so braving taking street portraits again. The plan was to try and photograph someone with a fancy moustache for Movember, but most of the facially hirsute men I saw had beards as well and the few chaps with just moustaches didn't really look like they would appreciate me asking them to take their photo. Not one to give up I carried on wandering around Leeds asking un-moustachioed men and women if I could take their photo instead. My success rate wasn't as good today as I had three people say no (they normally all say yes) I expect the disappointment in my eyes as I looked at their top lips may have been off-putting.

After an hour or so of snapping away I had one final look around the market and spotted an interesting looking chap in one of the grocer's shops. I took a few snaps from a distance whilst I waited for him to finish his shopping and when he came out asked if I could take his photo. I got the usual slightly bemused look I usually get, but after explaining blip he was happy to pose. He introduced himself as Dominic and after I had taken his portrait and thanked him, Dominic shook my hand and said he would pray for me. I expect he must have seen some of my previous blips ;-).

Thank you to Dominic and everyone else who agreed to pose for street portraits today. Although I quite like the portrait I took of Dominic today I prefer the quick snap I took of him shopping whilst I was waiting to ask him for a portrait. So today's blip is .....

..... Dominic and the grocer.

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