Desperately seeking

By clickychick


I'm not usually a fan of French lavender but this variety had very large booms and I had been looking for something suitable for The Mates small garden. I'd recently removed some lack-lustre montbretia and there was a huge gap to fill.

Anyhow, this morning and into the afternoon we worked on our product photography. Twice I have been asked "How did you get a commission like that?"  Well actually, it was thanks to the postman. In casual conversation the client had mentioned he needed a photographer and the postie, on his rounds, had know about us!

So, at close of play, I used the green screen set-up to photograph this lavender that I'm taking, along with a dicentra, to The Mates. After I got them planted, we had a look at today's images and how they looked with a transparent background. I would have like to have done the same with this to show you but, I'm just too busy and days behind with blipping. The colour removal process gets into all those little green background places and removes that colour.

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