The Overlord Show - Denmead

We spent the night with our Shit Mates as we didn't get Jasmine to the ferry until quite late last night. (Exactly a year ago since we went to Alaska with them - how did that happen!)

Actually, it was just the one Shit mates as Steve was camping at the Overlord Show in Denmead as he was in charge of the Navy Cadets and car parking. 

With both Steve and Mr W being Retired Military, Shirley thought it might be nice of us both to accompany our husbands around the boring Military Show, looking at stalls after stall of green clothing and green vehicles and watching re-enactments. That's my wifely duty done for the year. 

It was a very, very hot day so I had to eat icecream and drink cider. 

The best part of the day, apart the icecream, was actually the Cadet Band who did really, really well, marching on the most uneven ground possible. Then there was a surprise visit from a vintage Dakota that Mr W was so excited to see souring back and forth over head.

I had trouble which blip to bore you with but this little girls face made me smile. She spent so long looking bored and deadly serious but bashing her symbols together seemed to make her smile.  

We left Steve there as he was on duty for another night (of thunderstorms!) then went back to Shirleys for a cuppa before making our way home.

On the way home we were due to pick up my car from where I left it in Leatherhead yesterday but neither of us remembered until we had just passed the Leatherhead junction of the M25.... then got home to find the Sun Brolly had toppled over in the wind and smashed the garden table!!!!

We should have stayed at the Show with the green clothes and green vehicles and carried on eating ice cream!

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