stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Gosford Park

Today was a definite red letter day. For 10 years we've been living a stone's throw away from each other. We can even see each other from our living room windows. For over a year we've been following each other's journals and it's something that we've been threatening for ages but it was only today that LeeAnne and I finally hooked up for a blipmeet. And what a fab day we had!

The sun was splitting the blue sky with fluffy white clouds. It was cold with it, but not bitterly. It was in fact a perfect autumn day. We both have memberships to Historic Scotland so our first stop was Dirleton Castle. From there it was on to Gosford House.

Useless info: the sign posts leading to the estate read Gossford, but the website for the house reads Gosford

Any thoughts of blipping from the Dirleton shots was put to rest with our walk around the estate. I've blipped in mono again tonight, but the day was all about autumn colours and reflections. I just couldn't choose between them, so I've put up a selection here if you want to have a look at the glorious day we enjoyed. Do check out LeeAnne's gorgeous shots too.

Following our walk, it was off to the farm shop and cafe. Heh, always a mistake. I can however confirm that the wild boar, tomato and basil sausages are absolutely delicious!

It was another mini diversion on the way back as the sat-nav had us taking a shortcut and going feet wet into the Forth! Heh, I didn't follow this time and fortunately the satellites re-acquired us soon after and put us back on the road. Phew!

Thanks so much for a wonderful day out LeeAnne. Looking forward to our next adventure!

Another late post tonight I'm afraid, so I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

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