Somewhere in Shropshire

Got up reasonably early; Tim went to get his hair cut, and then we packed up and set out for Shropshire.  Got to his Mum's early afternoon, and stayed there until about 6pm.  Sat out in the sunshine in the garden for a while, chatting away, and also caught up with Tim's brother when he got in from work (also saw our nephews briefly, too).  Tim's Mum had found one of Tim's old school reports, which was hilarious, and the exact opposite of glowing.  The comment at the end about how a couple of O'Levels and an interest in computers wouldn't get him far 'in this day and age' made us laugh.  That's exactly what's got him to where he is now :)

Drove to Worcester afterwards, via a slightly circuitous route through some lovely scenery, and checked into our hotel.  Quick dinner over the road at a Beefeater, which was actually pretty nice, and then a chilled out night in our room.  Tim watched the Grand Prix qualifying and I had a damn good sleep!

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