
By NickMog

Jumping with knives

We all know that running with them is a no-no. But no-one mentioned jumping.

(Must get around clearing up after Monday's juggling).

Here you can see the secret "V" birthmark on my big toe. I fully expect this to be the means by which my grateful subjects recognise their long-lost king - stolen away as a baby and brought up amongst you commoners so that he should attain maturity without having been corrupted by the unbelievable wealth associated with his position. I now believe that I have reached that maturity and will be be able to cope with the aforementioned unbelievable wealth. Bring it on!

And Prince Django? He's still got a few jumps left in him...

Don't worry about Princess Maude, she's just wary about having her picture taken in case it steals away her Soul.

And I'm sure that this fad will run its course soon and I'll be back to angles and shadows.

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