Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies


I have read a couple of books during last couple of weeks. I might not have read that many books in many years altogether. In this photo is Harry Potter and the prizoner of Azkaban.

I don't like the lower right corner. There's too much empty space but I liked this photo probably the most of those ~20 shots I took of this. And That's enough shooting for today. I'll spend more time to photographing again during weekend.

Now I'm gonna listen to some Opeth (Swedish progressive death metal band) while exercising my back. I hurt it last winter and it's still not completely recovered coz' I've been too lazy to exercise enough. However it's been better lately and getting even better during periods when I've had the patience to exercise properly.

Edit: Judging from the thumb this might look even better in b & w. But what's done is done.

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