What is this? - 9

Although DesertCamel was very close to the answer, nobody guessed my yesterday's entry... My win this time! :)

I have to admit it was a bit confusing. It was a bottle of mouthwash. Shot taken from the neck of the bottle. I put coloured cardboard paper underneath the bottle to create the psychedelic effect and confuse you a bit more, hehe!

This one is a bit easier, I think... what is this?

I woke up late this morning and feeling very lazy. I had so many things to do and no inclination to do any of them. Instead I spent some time in the computer uploading photos and doing other stuff. I finally decided to leave the flat for a bit of needed fresh air and I went to Portobello beach. I wanted to cycle but my wrist was rather sore this morning, so I took the bus instead. In there I practiced a bit with the manual setting of my camera and took a few shots.

On my way back, I was running to the bus stop to get the bus on time, because on Sundays they run every half hour and it's a pain if you miss one, but what happened was that the bus was delayed and I had to wait for half an hour anyway! A waste of time! Grrr! Never mind...

I have to bake another cake this evening, so I'm afraid my time for comments will be a bit restricted again. Sorry about that.

Thanks very much for all your guesses! I hope you all had a great and enjoyable weekend! :)

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