Circus Girl

By CirqueNoir

Birds In Flight

Toronto, Ontario

Remembrance Day in City of Toronto

Today I went to Old City Hall with my brother and my five year old niece, I couldn't not get close enough to get photo and my brother thought it was a bit disrespectful. So I respected how he felt and left my camera in my bag.

It was a lovely ceremony, I found myself becoming emotional due to I have lost family in both World Wars. My father and his family were helped out by many different soldiers when they lived in Germany during World War II. He told us stories about how my Grandfather gave up his life in order to save some young children from being shot by Enemy Soldiers. My Great Grandfather Sergeant Alexander Dunlop Paul enlisted with the Glasgow Scottish Air-line Telegraph Company 1908. I am still in the process of locating him . One day I hope to know more about his service to his country.

After the Remembrance Day ceremony my brother had to go into the Eaton Centre and pick something up. So this is where I did my Blip. It really makes you think without these brave men and women we would not have all these freedoms that we sometimes take advantage of.

To them I say Thank you and Lest we Forget.

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