Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Wasp slays spider

Identification - Sand Digger Wasp. So many different varieties, but most documentation is purely based on US insects.

It is not always clear cut who would win in the battle between these two fearsome predators. My guess is it is all a matter of domain. I don't recall ever seeing a wasp take on a spider in its web, although I have seen a few wasps being chowed. I introduced a couple of large wasps to a golden orb weaver spider that we kept in the office. The arachnid made short work of those.

But, this tiny jumping spider was grossly out matched by this formidable looking wasp, approximately 3/4 inch long. The spider will be carried off, buried in a hole with an egg laid on it and the hole closed. The grub will feed on the spider and not emerge until it is a fully formed adult wasp.

Evil, dangerous looking insect, but quite harmless from what I have read. I have photographed them before and they are not aggressive towards me.


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