Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


I couldn't sleep last night; too many things on my mind I guess. So, I was awake before the alarm went off at 5am.  So glad we both persevered last night and finished most things regardless of how tired we were!

It was great to see Modhesh up close after AGES. I have a picture of myself posing with him, but it's a phone pic. A good flight to the UK though it did seem to go on forever! I was definitely glad to be off the plane!

So, G & I are on a break and very happy about it too. We've unpacked and got the place as we want it for the next few weeks. Just hope that the weather stays cool. :)

The biggest news of the day though is that it is 1.8.18. We all got beaten to it by rachelwhynot!1 It is a very good date!!

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