Dreadful Photo!!!

I was up early and got ready to leave the hotel at 8:15 am.
I was tired!
Flights were all in time and I landed in Glasgow at 12:45 already.
Unfortunately did my case not make the short connection. But I do not care so much when going home.
Weather was dreadful in Glasgow. I was greeted by horizontal rain!
Took a taxi home and prepared my Portuguese lesson. Irineu was arriving at 3 pm.
We had a good session, although I was quite tired.
I returned to my desk after 4 pm and tried to catch up with everything. This is the downside of the travelling, most of the work stays untouched and you need a marathon shift in order to catch up.
I worked until 11 pm!
Neil cooked some veg for us and we ate dinner on the couch watching the last Tatort of the series and even managed to to fall asleep.

Tomorrow will be a busy day before a long weekend into the highlands.

The Blip is dreadful! And this was the only photo I took ....! Just after boarding in Vienna.

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