Tell me Rusty, what did you think of the day?

Around lunchtime we headed into town and the International Day at Murberget. Janet interviewed Rusty (pictured here) about the experience and here is what he said…
This was the first time in my life I’ve been among so many humans and I did find it hard at times. The children were particularly hard to deal with. They walked by holding sandwiches at mouth level; they played football, and they ran around shouting, but Jan and Keith wouldn’t let me join them to run around barking or grabbing the football and making a run for it, and every time I edged toward a tempting sandwich I was pulled back.  Lots of children also wanted to stroke and pat me which was fine by me, but they did jump when I suddenly planted a large lick on their face.
The rabbits got me very excited as they ran their agility course right in front of me, but again I wasn’t allowed to play. I was rather pleased when Jan and Keith held me back from the cockerel that wandered out of a hedge. I really wanted to chase it but at the same time it had big spurs and a mean look in it’s eye. It reminded me of a cat that I often chase but I make sure I never catch it.
We sat on the grass with some friends of J and K’s and that was very good. They all stroked me but they were much more predictable and relaxing than the children. I even lay on my side and dozed a while in the sun.
All-in-all it was an interesting experience but I really preferred the walk on the beach and in the forest that came afterwards. There were far fewer humans about and I could run around on my own, checking out all the delightful scents of the forest. In the end I was very tired and once this interview is over I shall sleep in the back of the car, all the way home!

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