Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Southward Bound

I think this is only the second time I've ever seen a Yellow Warbler in my garden, so it makes a nice addition to my 2018 YardBirds list  (the list actually stands at 63, but this is the 41st species to be blipped this year).  It is late in the season to be seeing Yellow Warblers here as they usually head south as soon as they've raised their broods at the end of July.  In fact, I wasn't thinking Yellow Warbler at all when I first spotted it, but a closer look (thanks D850 with your magnificent big sensor) confirmed the species.  This is a female, and probably a youngster.

In other news, I just released Monarch #71 for this season, with many more to go.  My list of dedications has gotten quite short, so if you've been waiting to add someone's name, now's the time.  When I run out of names, I will still release each one for someone using names I find in the paper or on the news.  I am still finding eggs, so will be releasing monarchs into late September or even early October.  

If you'd like a hummingbird fix, I'll pop a shot into Extra.  There are so many hummers in the yard right now that it's hard to know where to point a camera.  This weekend, three blip friends are coming for a visit, so I am thrilled that there will be so many hummers just waiting to be photographed.  Now, let's just hope for lightly overcast skies and moderate temps - in other words, perfect photo conditions.  

Waiting for Nephew, his wife and grand-nephew to arrived - can't wait to see them!  We're going to take pizza over to the home tonight so we can all have dinner with MIL.  She's still not moving around well enough to bring her home just yet.

Be well.  And thank you for stopping by.


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