Photo A Day 2008

By 2008photoaday


Hurry the f*&# Up= H T F U

This is what I repeat over and over on my long bike rides in the cold. HTFU, HTFU, HTFU- kind of like chugga chugga choo choo. HTFU and get it over with.

It was 32 degrees here this am and I clocked in 21 miles, not bad for February 8th with lots of snow still on the ground. 50 Degrees yesterday, 23 miles logged as well! At least I am off the trainer which is VERY much like a Hampster on a silly wheel in a habitrail :-)- HTFU

HTFU is really a large part of my life as I am always in a rush and always yelling inside my head at the car in front of me to HTFU. Always standing in line at the store thinking HTFU to to idiot in front of me and they are writing a check- get a Debit card-

Note to self, SLOW DOWN

Now HTFU...

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