Photo A Day 2008

By 2008photoaday

Hold em tight- never let go

I worked tonight, actually was off but got called in for a rather bad traffic accident in our town. Seems a drunk driver had TOO many beverages and played dodge em's on the main road through town? Go figure...

Ring: Hmmmmm, call at dinner time from the Dispatchers: We got a bad accident, can you assist? SURE- it is Valentines day but yeah I am always one to be there when it is needed. Off I go- out the door!

My conversation was so you been drinking as he is laying in the road? "well, ummm" Sir? "burp" ughhhhh yeah,..." Well sir, how much? "ughhhh well maybe 4 or 5 22 OZ beers in the past hour" Okay then... your under arrest-

Said drunk hit many cars, hurts lots of PEOPLE- and one of them is a young woman and her husband. She is 16 weeks pregnant- I just got home from being with the DRUNK guy at the hospital. She was there too... AND her unborn baby, and her husband, and her entire family- all waiting, all afraid adn praying all is okay. All they were doing is having a NICE dinner somewhere to celebreat Valentines Day...

I got home to a sleeping house and the card pictured here. I cried.

My youngest forgot to give me this before I ran out the door to help others tonight... Hold your loved one tight folks, never let go!
God help the person who ever hurts my kids, wife or loved one! Stupid Drunk, he will be fine and pay a fine. Woman and her husband still at the hospital seeing if their unborn baby is fine?

Hold them tight, never let go...

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