The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Stroud Theatre Festival EB

Bit of a lazy day. My massage client had cancelled. I decided to stay down at the housesitting and teach myself Excel via a tutorial. I got bored pretty quickly, and started looking online for a cheap half term break. Since I am going on my own, there is no such deal available. Every 'good' deal turned out to be offered by dodgy search engines masquerading as travel agents.

Finally, I got bored and walked home up the hill to cook supper before going out to see a show. It's Stroud's sixth theatre festival, and I booked tickets for three events. Tonight's show was called Schutte the Unromantic, by award-winning comedian Katy Schutte, and I enjoyed it quite a lot. On the way out, I bumped into someone I knew, and ended up going back to her house for conversation, wine and biscuits. Good way to end the day!

I always think I'm going to do so much when I have a free day, but usually end up just unwinding.

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