The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The Cat of Rosebank Villas pretending not to stare at another cat in the ground, who pointedly looking the other way. Neither of them will make the first move in this game of cat-chess. Google assistant doctored this photo for me unbidden, and I decided to tweak a little more and then roll with it. The alternative was to post a photo of Clean Steve digging the garden.

Yes, we hacked and slashed at the front garden, and the pile of monstrous weeds in the bed has become a heap of weeds on the hard standing! I hope CS will have a bonfire soon. We'll have to do it at the front. There are too many brambles to transport to the back garden.

When I was trying to lift a 70L compost bag, I could feel my back protesting and stiffening up. After that I forced myself to stick to light duties, such as tea making, and I put on a back brace, which felt very warm.

After CS had cooked supper, I went off to see another show, this one entitled The Bizarre Hour. I learned a new party game for the digital age, entitled Six degrees of Wikipedia. Fun was had by all, though the show only lasted forty minutes.

I returned to the house sit with a bottle of NZ Sauvignon, and set about further researching holidays for one for half term. My plan to go to the island of Jersey fizzled out when I realised how much it would cost me to do all the things I wanted to do when I got there, on top of the flight, hotel and train ticket! There are no packages for one person, not on my budget. (We can't both afford to go away, again, so soon.)

After much sticking-pins-in-my mental-mao of the UK, I found at last a single room in the Pembrokeshire coastal town of Tenby. I believe it's lovely there. I hope it is, because that's where I have booked..Nowhere in the UK is guaranteed good weather in the latter part of October, and I haven't booked into a place with either a pool or a pool table, so I shall just quietly potter about if the weather forbids outdoor adventuring.

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