Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Charlie and Ricky

My name's Charlie,
My name's Ricky,
I'm a chimp
and I take the mickey.

We share a common ancestor,
and quite a lot of DNA
in fact, we're good evidence for the theory of evo---lu----tion.

Hey, catchy song Ricky.

Yes, it is, isn't it Charlie? Although I'm not sure about the second part, it doesn't rhyme.

Ah well, it's a quick Blip, so don't sweat it. The first part's just as crap and you're not too bothered about that are you?

OK. I like the name Charlie, it suits you.

Ta. I was named after Charles Darwin, the populariser of Evolutionary theory.

Wow - I share my name with a rather famous, outspoken neo-Darwinist!

Seems we do have a lot in common in addition to between 93%-99% of genes, depending on which research projects you want to believe!!

Well children, we're here to tell you all about accretion and probability.

Yes, although I'm just a chimp, even I find this science pretty straight-forward and can clearly see that there's evidence to support it.

Exactly, although I do know that some people are uncomfortable/phased with the maths, despair at the seemingly-bleak outlook linked to the ongoing philosophical debates concerning the meaning of life, and worry that it can detract you from the basic premise of being nice to people and having a great time!

Tut!! Chill peeps - you and your selfish genes!

Well said Charlie.

Right then: that said, shall we start with a little chat about gravity......

Just putting some balance into my day.

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